Marle and Lucca stand up first and can be controlled by the player. Upon defeating Lavos, everyone winds up at the End of Time, lying on the ground. Method: Defeat Lavos immediately after choosing to battle and defeat Magus in 12,000 BC.Īfter defeating Magus, he reveals that the curse on Frog is lifted, but Frog's appearance curiously doesn't change. It will vary depending on factors like the presence of Magus on your team, whether or not you used the Epoch to breach Lavos' shell, and whether you saved Lara (Lucca's mother) from being crippled or not. This ending also takes place at the Millennial Fair but before Crono is restored after the Ocean Palace incident. As the Epoch tours each character's timeline, Magus seen searching for Schala in 12,000 BC. Same as above, except that Magus will be present at the Moonlight Parade and Frog is still in his familiar amphibious form. Method: Defeat Lavos after Magus joins your team in 12,000 BC and after restoring Crono. She begins to float away, and Crono grabs hold before the two of them glide away during the credits.

Crono, Marle and Lucca watch as the king begins to hang the Nadia Bell, and Marle takes hold of the balloons holding the bell afloat. If you used the Epoch to break through Lavos' shell, the other characters depart and the time gate closes without incident. Marle leaves the king stuck trying to hang the bell. The time gate closes forever, but Crono, Marle and Lucca leave on the Epoch to rescue them. However, if you still have the Epoch, Crono's cat(s) cheekily wander over and leap into the time gate, followed closely by Crono's mother. Note that Frog is back in his human form. The Moonlight Parade commences, and the team gathers at the teleport pods to say their goodbyes and return to their own timelines. Lucca reveals that she brought them all together, and they each commend Crono and the team for their efforts. At the castle, King Guardia almost sentences Crono while Marle desperately protests, until suddenly all the supporting characters from the different time periods appear (King Guardia from 600 AD, Doan from 2300 AD and Kino from 65,000,000 BC - the chancellor will also be there if you saved him during the Rainbow Shell event, otherwise Pierre the lawyer will be present). A soldier wakes him, telling him that his sentence is to commence. Method: Defeat Lavos after defeating Magus in 12,000 BC and after restoring Crono.Īfter defeating Lavos, the scene shows Crono back in bed at his house. This ending will also slightly vary based on whether or not you used the Epoch to reach Lavos, whether you saved Lara (Lucca's mother) from being crippled or not, and how many cats are at Crono's house. This ending takes place at the Millennial Fair (which is the regular game's ending) but varies depending on whether or not you have Magus on your team. Later in the game, either the bucket at the End of Time or the Epoch can be used to travel straight to the final battle in 1999 AD.

Look for a sparkle on the right pod - touch this to be taken straight to Lavos.

To reach the final battle early in the game, head to Taban's teleport pods at the north end of Leene Square in 1000 AD. Note: Most of the endings require you to defeat Lavos outside of the Ocean Palace. You'll then be able to play through the game again with all your levels and items intact. All the special endings apart from the standard finale can only be accessed via the "New Game +" option, accessible after beating the game once. Please take care to avoid spoilers below, as each ending is described in detail. Here you can read about the different endings hidden in the game.